Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's like Highlights Magazine!

Today, we're going to play the age-old game first introduced to me by one of my favorite children's magazines. There are 3 errors in the following picture, can you spot them?

Well, since I cropped the original image, I guess that game was a little easier than I thought. Now, we probably don't need to talk too much about that guy in the back. His transgression is pretty obvious, and besides, it's possible he paid for two covered parking spots so that he could park exactly like that.

But what about these two in the front? I mean, they are _basically_ in their parking spots, right? Sure they are, but let's be honest, if you drive a smallish car like that white one, is it really that taxing to fit it neatly in a parking space?

"Ok ok, Josh" you say, "but that truck had to park next to a pole! Clearly he just didn't want to risk hitting the pole!" And therein lies the problem. That truck *didn't* have to park next to that pole. There are literally four spots in the cropped image alone that do not border the dire pole. Three, if you don't want to risk parking next Whitey McCantFindTheParkingSpace over there (and who could blame you if you didn't).

But the real victim? The poor sap who is forced to park between them eventually, and who gets to look like the idiot when both of those cars take off, leaving this unfortunate soul parked alone on the line because there were no other options. The horror. The horror.

(Thanks to Mr. Greg Leeds for providing the image)

1 comment:

  1. Holy freakin' crap -- Josh, where is this parking lot? I think I might have lived here once...

    Nathan P
